Saturday, January 9, 2010

Hello out there in internet land..

So, this site, blog, or whatever it is appropriately called is my first....
I suppose the appropriate thing to do is introduce myself. As you may have read in my profile I am a mother of 2 - a 16 yr old daughter and a 6 year old (on Jan. 22) son. I am very happily married to a firefighter (Fred). I can't technically call myself a stay-at-home mom I guess because I have a very small job doing background checks for a friend of the family who is a small business owner. I can basically choose when and if I do the job and it only takes about an hour or so of my time, which is less time than a trip to the grocery store. Does this mean I am NOT a stay-at-home mom? Maybe to some it does, but when I asked, I do describe myself as a stay-at-home mom. I feel like I can call myself that because the job I do really doesn't take me away from my children, I can work when I want and if I want. Like I said when I do the job I'm gone less time than an average trip to the gym, the store, a doctor's, I'm a stay-at-home mom.
Now - with that taken care of...why a blog? Being at home all the time and being the type that likes to I said in my profile from crochet to cooking, I began making things. It started with home decor type items, moved to hand sewn blankets and paintings..I sold some of these things, but eventually lost interest. I decided I wanted to knit. So, I learned how to knit and enjoyed it, but became frustrated with what seemed to be my lack of knack. I thought, well, what next..crochet!..popped into my head. My grandmother had taught me how to do some very basic stitches when I was a child. Of course, since then I had forgotten all about it. I wondered if I could still do it and if I would be any good at it. So, thanks to the Internet and some books I began to crochet. I quickly discovered that I loved it and I actually had the knack. The rest is simply the result of curiosity.

I would see a picture of a crochet item and wonder.."can I make that". It started with granny squares and scarves, then one day I decided I wanted to make a hat. The hat was successful and actually look good. Before I knew it people were asking me to make hats for them. This person told that person, people started offering me money for my hats then my sister-in-law encouraged me to take my creations to a store. The store began selling what I made, one thing led to the next and I set up a booth at different craft fairs, a salon/boutique then began selling what I was making, all the while people kept placing "orders". Before I knew it I was very busy crocheting for people and surprise of surprises they liked what I made for them ( I am still amazed by this..everytime, without fail). One day it dawned on me I had what could be called a "business". I tell people now that I stumbled into a business, I didn't intetionally set out to peddal my wares, people asked if I could make something for them, they offered me money, they liked what I made and then told their friends..

Now here I am with a blog..I wasn't quite ready for a website but needed somewhere people could go to seem my work. I was postitng pictures on facebook and realized I couldn't keep asking people to join facebook and become my "friend" simply so they could see pictures of the things I made. I felt a blog would be a happy medium between facebook and website. Who knows maybe someday a website is in my future. Right now though I am still trying to wrap my head around the fact that people want to buy what I make! What a abundant blessing it is, one that I still can't believe that has been bestowed on me!

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