Monday, January 11, 2010

The hat almost won!

OK, so, I have been attempting to create a newsboy hat for a customer. It is my first newsboy cap to make and the search for a pattern or a pattern I can alter enough to make into an acceptable newsboy cap, just about had me beat. Finally I narrowed it down to 3 different patterns. My first attempt turned out a very cute newsboy cap .... in a children's size! I, of course, needed an adult size! It has been about 4 or 5 days now with trial and error over and over again. I was becoming discouraged when finally tonight I produced a nice newsboy cap in an adult size. However, I cannot celebrate yet. I think the cap is still a bit too small for my customer and I don't think it is exactly what she had in mind as far as style. There are so many version of the newsboy cap out's enough to send an obsessive person like me over the edge! Tonight though, I can claim one small victory in the war with the newsboy cap..I have created one adult newsboy. Now, if I can hang on to my sanity a bit longer and my endurance I will move on to the next battle - creating one in the style that my customer wants. What's one more day when the item in question is already a month late!!!! I feel terrible for being so far behind and thankful for such a patient and understanding customer. I am learning as I go and I am still enjoying the process. So, I really can't complain too much.

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