Thursday, January 21, 2010

Basket Weaving

The Newsboy Cap was a hit!
Now that the saga of the first Newsboy has come to a conclusion I can move on, which I have. I made my second Newsboy for a customer today. I believe I could still do better, but ultimately it is my customers who decide. (Although, I am a firm believer in 'we can all do better, always' mentality).
I reached for my next order on the board today and found that, yes, another Newsboy Cap is due. This one is for a friend of a friend who saw a hat my sister was wearing (surprise, surprise, a newsboy) and asked if I could make one. I said I would certainly try. I met with my sister to thoroughly examine the hat in question, and also just to hang with my little sis which is always a good idea. As I looked at the requested hat I realized that I had no idea how to create the pattern on the hat. I didn't know what stitching had been used. So, with the knowledge that I had no idea how to replicate this much demanded hat I turned to the trusty Internet. I was prepared for an hour's worth of searching and possibly much
I began by guessing at the stitch used and I was right - basket weave. Part two of the ordeal is that I have never attempted the basket weave stitch. Hopefully after a couple of videos online and some reading I will have a grasp on what is required for this particular stitch. I am fairly confident that it is not a difficult stitch to learn. God has blessed me with the ability to learn these crochet stitches quickly and I am trusting that his blessing includes the basket weave stitch. We shall see. I will have plenty of opportunity to practice this stitch because not long after the first request was put in for this specific hat our cousin caught a glimpse of my sister's hat and placed her order.
Here I come basket weave stitch!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Playing Catch (up)

I have declared this week "catch up" week! I am still waiting to hear from my customer about her Newsboy hat. I am finishing a hat right now that is going to be just adorable. It is an original design and I am excited to see the finished product. It is for a little 1 yr old, I believe it's going to be just precious.
My hopes are that I will get caught up this week and be down to a 1-2 week wait period for an order instead of 3-4. I also am anxious to start working on my new projects; jewelry, headbands, barrettes, afghans, slippers the list goes on and on. Plus it would be nice to work on learning some new stitches before the world catches on that I am still a novice, at least that is how I feel.
I do have a second Newsboy cap coming up (and a third after that), I am hoping that this style hat will not become my nemesis. I can't even mention the catastrophe of a men's beanie with a brim I just finished. I am too embarrassed! It is a sad thing that I might have to put away in a drawer so I don't have to see it when I walk into my work room. The Newsboy hat was trauma enough.... and I am less than a day away from a second one. I need a small victory to get my confidence up and my momentum going. I am hoping that this little girl's hat will be just that. Pictures will follow if it is a winner.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

New - Newsboy Caps (sorry about the model)

VICTORY - maybe

The Newsboy hat has been delivered to it's new owner. I am still awaiting word on whether or not it was a success. I personally feel that I could have done better, I have 3 more orders for Newsboy hats to try and improve my work! Now I can march forward and attend to my other customers waiting in line.

On a better note a second hat was also delivered. That customer was very happy with her hat. It is so wonderful to see a smile on the face of someone who has purchased one of my hats. The smile and happiness is more satisfying to me than any monetary amount I receive. Another person was present when my customer tried on her hat and also liked it. The piece is a vintage pattern and she commented on that fact. That lead us into discussing vintage pieces and the fact that I think they are a lot of fun to create. So, maybe I have a future customer...

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Throwing yarn

So -
I still haven't completed the much elusive Newsboy cap for one of my customers!!! I am consumed by this hat and can not figure out why it eludes me. I thought yesterday was going to be the day and that I would be able to move forward, on to other hats for other customers (who are waiting oh so patiently), alas, no hat. I began several times only to get to the point of realizing it wasn't going well. I would undo the stitching and start over. As my frustration built and the realization that each time I started over I was erasing the previous hour's worth of work which meant I had wasted that hour. That would lead me to think about the board full of orders waiting their turn. All of those index cards hanging on the cork board just staring at me, sending the message of "well, I'm waiting...", each card represents a customer and each customer is someone I care about...

The dominos of my situation began to topple! I thought at one point that I needed to just throw something! Maybe that would unblock the blocked, maybe that would get things moving along as well as giving me a bit of an outlet for my frustration. As I sat there with my crochet hook and yarn in hand I envisioned myself hurling the ball of yarn across the room and sadly realized that there would not be a satisfying crash, no loud bang, nothing to equal what I was feeling - only a soft, wimpy thud.. possibly not even audible. Even my crochet hook could not aide me in my search for an outlet. Crochet hooks are generally small and made out of light metal. I might get a ting, or some small sound but nothing to do justice to the angst I was wanting to express.

So, nothing was thrown. I resolved to try one more time today to complete this blasted hat. I did however find an outlet....those poor chocolate covered cherries had no idea what hit them!

Monday, January 11, 2010

The hat almost won!

OK, so, I have been attempting to create a newsboy hat for a customer. It is my first newsboy cap to make and the search for a pattern or a pattern I can alter enough to make into an acceptable newsboy cap, just about had me beat. Finally I narrowed it down to 3 different patterns. My first attempt turned out a very cute newsboy cap .... in a children's size! I, of course, needed an adult size! It has been about 4 or 5 days now with trial and error over and over again. I was becoming discouraged when finally tonight I produced a nice newsboy cap in an adult size. However, I cannot celebrate yet. I think the cap is still a bit too small for my customer and I don't think it is exactly what she had in mind as far as style. There are so many version of the newsboy cap out's enough to send an obsessive person like me over the edge! Tonight though, I can claim one small victory in the war with the newsboy cap..I have created one adult newsboy. Now, if I can hang on to my sanity a bit longer and my endurance I will move on to the next battle - creating one in the style that my customer wants. What's one more day when the item in question is already a month late!!!! I feel terrible for being so far behind and thankful for such a patient and understanding customer. I am learning as I go and I am still enjoying the process. So, I really can't complain too much.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sunday morning!

Good morning!
Must get at least one hat made today...Hoping to get enough work done soon to try and work up something new! Hoping to get to church this morning to start the day out right and then it is me and some yarn!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Signing off after the first day..

Well, I have learned that I have a lot to learn about the blog-o-sphere. Hope to fine tune as I go. Now it is off to bed with pneumonia boy (my son). We will see what tomorrow brings in this new realm of the internet I have entered. God bless and goodnight.

Tams and Berets

How to order

If you would like to order something simply send an email!

Cupcakes anyone?

Yummy cupcake hats! As always - let your imagination determine how your cupcake will look. I can make these for boys as well, girls aren't the only one who like cupcakes. Available in all sizes.

earflap hats

Just a few of the many, many ways to do the oh so popular earflap hat!

Hello out there in internet land..

So, this site, blog, or whatever it is appropriately called is my first....
I suppose the appropriate thing to do is introduce myself. As you may have read in my profile I am a mother of 2 - a 16 yr old daughter and a 6 year old (on Jan. 22) son. I am very happily married to a firefighter (Fred). I can't technically call myself a stay-at-home mom I guess because I have a very small job doing background checks for a friend of the family who is a small business owner. I can basically choose when and if I do the job and it only takes about an hour or so of my time, which is less time than a trip to the grocery store. Does this mean I am NOT a stay-at-home mom? Maybe to some it does, but when I asked, I do describe myself as a stay-at-home mom. I feel like I can call myself that because the job I do really doesn't take me away from my children, I can work when I want and if I want. Like I said when I do the job I'm gone less time than an average trip to the gym, the store, a doctor's, I'm a stay-at-home mom.
Now - with that taken care of...why a blog? Being at home all the time and being the type that likes to I said in my profile from crochet to cooking, I began making things. It started with home decor type items, moved to hand sewn blankets and paintings..I sold some of these things, but eventually lost interest. I decided I wanted to knit. So, I learned how to knit and enjoyed it, but became frustrated with what seemed to be my lack of knack. I thought, well, what next..crochet!..popped into my head. My grandmother had taught me how to do some very basic stitches when I was a child. Of course, since then I had forgotten all about it. I wondered if I could still do it and if I would be any good at it. So, thanks to the Internet and some books I began to crochet. I quickly discovered that I loved it and I actually had the knack. The rest is simply the result of curiosity.

I would see a picture of a crochet item and wonder.."can I make that". It started with granny squares and scarves, then one day I decided I wanted to make a hat. The hat was successful and actually look good. Before I knew it people were asking me to make hats for them. This person told that person, people started offering me money for my hats then my sister-in-law encouraged me to take my creations to a store. The store began selling what I made, one thing led to the next and I set up a booth at different craft fairs, a salon/boutique then began selling what I was making, all the while people kept placing "orders". Before I knew it I was very busy crocheting for people and surprise of surprises they liked what I made for them ( I am still amazed by this..everytime, without fail). One day it dawned on me I had what could be called a "business". I tell people now that I stumbled into a business, I didn't intetionally set out to peddal my wares, people asked if I could make something for them, they offered me money, they liked what I made and then told their friends..

Now here I am with a blog..I wasn't quite ready for a website but needed somewhere people could go to seem my work. I was postitng pictures on facebook and realized I couldn't keep asking people to join facebook and become my "friend" simply so they could see pictures of the things I made. I felt a blog would be a happy medium between facebook and website. Who knows maybe someday a website is in my future. Right now though I am still trying to wrap my head around the fact that people want to buy what I make! What a abundant blessing it is, one that I still can't believe that has been bestowed on me!