Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Friday, February 26, 2010

The fruits of my labor

The first two hats sport my newest idea. Actually, it is a combination of ideas. The hat of course, but I decided to make the flowers I add to the hats into brooches. So, the end product is actually two products. The final picture is, of course a cupcake hat. This particular cupcake hat however is an example of how nice it is when a customer has a hand in the design. This cupcake was made for a young hairdresser. She told me what she wanted the hat to look like, colors etc.. As I was making the hat I was very hesitant of the colors and the bead work. I took the finished hat to the customer and as the two of us were talking I could see she was not 100% happy with the end product. I was not offended at all, I welcome the challenge of getting the end product just right for each person, their smile and satisfaction are much more gratifying than their money. So, we discussed the changes = the scalloped edge would become teal as would the cherry (with a black stem)! The black "cake" part would be made larger and the cupcake part would be make smaller. As we were talking I told her that any re-do's get put in my "to sell" pile. It makes less work for me down the road when it is time to prepare for a fair or show. When a customer wants something changed, most of the time I start from scratch. After I told her this she said - 'I bet that hat sells fast'. I smile and said yes I bet it would, but I have to admit I did have some doubt. Well, a few days later I had a request from a group at a doctor's office to see some samples. So, I sent over a bag of samples, plus some ready to sell items, the cupcake was one of them. Low and behold, it sold. It just affirmed to me that the customer's opinion and taste are valuable!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

This is my first "original" work! No pattern, just right out of my little head! I'm not sure what it is though - a bumpy newsboy maybe.

The Basket Weave!

Fingers of Fury

I am quickly making my way through the back log of orders! I am excited about getting to a point where I can begin working on some new ideas and original pieces. My sister-in-law and I are also beginning to plan for the spring - fall/holiday festival season. This will be our first "official" year of trying to cover the festival circuit as serious minded crafter/business women. I am nervous and excited at the same time...What that means for me is - being busy, also that I must take my time management seriously. I will need to make sure that I can produce enough items to fill a booth at each event we schedule. What I have learned is that these festival/fair customers want cash and carry items. They want the impulse buys. So, in order for me to get that business I must make sure I have a good supply going in to each event. That means I must start making those items now. Ideally that is what I need to be doing now. I keep telling myself that with each completed back order I am closer to the point where I can begin building up my supply.
The last order I just completed and turned over to a customer was the basket weave hat. I am not very happy with the finished product. The customer on the other hand seems to be happy, and that is what matters. My conscience may get the better of me and I may try to squeeze in a second attempt at the same hat and trade it for the one the customer currently has...we will have to see.
It looks like some sewing may be on the orders list next. I see an order for an apron on my board...